Godfather of tactical stealth games returns to the genre: Kojima is officially back

After years of encouragement from Sony, Kojima is making a not-Metal Gear Solid action espionage game for PlayStation...but it's also a film too?

1 minute & 20 seconds read time

It's official: The godfather of tactical stealth games is returning to the genre. Hideo Kojima has announced he is making a new experimental espionage game with Sony.

Godfather of tactical stealth games returns to the genre: Kojima is officially back 2

Hideo Kojima has now announced three projects: Death Stranding 2, the horror game OD for Xbox, and a new stealth espionage game that's totally not Metal Gear Solid. The last game was announced at Sony's recent State of Play event, and while details are light, we do have a name.

The project is codenamed PHYSINT, which could be short for "Physical Intelligence," a term used to describe operatives collecting intel on the field. It'll be set in a totally new, all-original IP, and it's being made for PlayStation. It's also to be a film-game hybrid...which is interesting. "Two years from now, I will celebrate the 40th anniversary of my game production career. I am confident that this title will be the culmination of my work," Kojima said at the event.

At the State of Play showcase, Sony Interactive Entertainment head Herman Hulst said that he had been encouraging Kojima to return to the genre for years.

Check below for the full quote from Kojima:

"Yes, it will be a brand new original IP a next-generation action espionage game. Preparations are underway, but production will begin in earnest after Death Stranding 2.

"We have strong experience with Sony Interactive Entertainment, having grown the action-espionage genre together for almost 30 years, and while most of our partnerships with Sony in the past have been for games, they also produce music and films, and this will definitely be a cooperative collaboration."

"With the full support of Sony Interactive Entertainment, this new action-espionage game will use cutting-edge technology and a stellar cast to deliver an experience like no other. Blurring the boundaries between film and games, offering near life-like graphics and a new take on interactive entertainment."

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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